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JULY: VOWS (Reimagine Salem Monthly Highlight)


Updated: Sep 8, 2022

As we "Reimagine Salem", every month we have a different focus. July's focus centered around VOWS. When we join the church we promise to "faithfully participate with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness." What does it mean to fully commit ourselves to living out this promise? Together we are praying, seeing, and dreaming about what can happen if we pray, show up, give, serve, and shine!

In addition to our Table Talk Sunday we celebrated "Christmas in July" - with a NEW twist this year!

To live out our mission of "transforming lives through Christ" Salem has set a big goal! Our goal is to meet our church budget i

n full so that we can gift our Christmas Eve offering back to the community. This year's recipient will be, our neighbor, the Orwigsburg Area Free Public Library. Follow our Tree Tracker in the welcome center to see our progress as we countdown the weeks until Christmas!

“One of the principal rules of religion is, to lose no occasion of serving God. And, since he is invisible to our eyes, we are to serve him in our neighbor; which he receives as if done to himself in person, standing visibly before us.”

John Wesley

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