Lent & Holy Week
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. We celebrate by having Sunday Lenten morning worships as well at Wednesday Lenten Worships. A sermon series will lead our Lenten celebrations in preparation for Easter.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season we call Lent. As we mark the sign of ashes on foreheads or hands each year, we mark the time that is set apart leading up to the cross and empty grave. It is a time in which we turn our hearts and minds toward our relationship with God.
Holy Thursday
You are invited to worship with us on Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday, for worship and communion. We will share in the sacrament of Holy Communion and share a message reminding us of the power of God’s grace even during the darkest time of Jesus’ life.
Good Friday (No Service)
Salem UMC does not currently hold a Good Friday Worship Service. The Church Office and Church close this day in observance of Holy Week and Good Friday.
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is often celebrated with processions and distribution of palm leaves. It thus marks the beginning of Holy Week, the final week of Lent.
Easter Sunday
Make your first stop on Easter morning at the Cross outside the church. Place a flower on the Cross. Then join us for Sunrise Worship at 6:00 AM in the church. Our regularly scheduled Easter Service begins later at 10:00 AM. He is Risen!
Pentecost Sunday
On Pentecost Sunday, we will remember the day the disciples received the Holy Spirit in a special way. Wearing red on Pentecost is a great tradition. The red is a sign that the good news of Jesus came to all who were there in a language they could understand from people with whom they would not otherwise have communicated.
Worship In the Woods
Once a year, we celebrate as one church on a Sunday in the Summer. Normally we have our three services offered on Sunday. This in our annual outdoor worship time when we all come together at one time, at one place and be one church. Worship in the Woods is a great opportunity to bring someone to church with you! POSTPONED TO 9/22/24
Annual Church Picnic
After Worship In the Woods, we will have our annual church picnic. It all takes place at Albrights Woods on Grove Street in Orwigsburg. Our church picnic is pot-luck style in which everyone can volunteer to bring a dish! We look forward to worshiping with you at (Albright’s Woods Park, located off of Grove Street, Orwigsburg, PA).
Back-to-School Sunday
You are invited to celebrate Back-to-School! Typically this service is held in August or September depending on the start of the new school year. We want to make sure our kids are ready to head back to school with a special backpack blessing!
All Saints Day
The first Sunday of November we recognize All Saints Day. This special service is an opportunity to give thanks for those who have gone before us in the faith. We welcome church goers to submit names to the office for those loved ones they want remembered during All Saints Day service.
Thank Offering Sunday
Thank Offering Sunday is a time where we support our Food Pantry in town with gifts and food. We encourage people to participate by bringing in non-perishable goods every Sunday of November leading up to a special offering on Thank Offering Sunday.
World Communion Day
The first Sunday in October is World Communion Sunday. United Methodist congregations join many Christian churches across the globe for this celebration of unity among churches across denominations.
Laity Sunday (CLM)
We have our Lay Christ Servant Ministers (CSM) lead us in worship on Sunday morning. Dates vary for our Laity Sunday Worships. Typically Laity Sunday is observed on the third Sunday in October. This is subject to change based on when our CSM can lead worship.
Thanksgiving Eve Service
Join us for a community Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service. This service is held the evening before Thanksgiving. Everyone from the community is welcome to join us, praise, worship and give thanks!
You are invited to celebrate Advent at Salem UMC! We offer a different celebration each Sunday of Advent. From our Advent Workshop Crafts, Communion, to our Handbell Holiday Performance - we have a lot to be joyful for.
Christmas Eve Service
This year, we will conduct a 5:00 PM Traditional Candlelight Service.
Longest Night Service
While everything around us is twinkly and filled with holiday cheer, we know that in reality the holidays aren't joyful for everyone. On the longest night of the year, we create space to acknowledge the pain and the grief in this season. Take the time to stop and reflect during this healing worship service. Feel the love and faith from God's grace and comfort.
Holiday Handbells
Save the date and bring a friend as The God Squad Handbell Choir rings their holiday music. Come and hear special FUN songs they will be performing! Please support our handbells! We are very fortunate to have a Bell Choir at Salem Church! These services will also be livestreamed on Facebook.
Holiday Office Hours
The Church Office will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Stay up-to-date with weather cancellations and revised office hours by signing up for our newsletter and email updates!
Christmas Gift Sponsors
Every year the local Orwigsburg Food Pantry supplies Christmas gifts to families in need. Salem UMC has been a long-time participant in helping fulfill these needs. We are always looking sponsors for local children's Christmas gifts. If you are interested in helping please contact us at the Church Office. Thank you in advance for your help!