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 Transforming Lives Through Christ (TLC)

Sharing, Serving, Worshiping, Nurturing

Meet Our Pastor

Rev. Dr. ShinAe Kim


After Methodist Theological University in Seoul (B.A. and Th.M.), Rev. ShinAe finished her master's degree at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, majoring in Jewish Studies and Ph.D. in the Hebrew Bible, especially the Wisdom Literature under Prof. Edward L. Greenstein at the Bar Ilan University.

Rev. Dr. ShinAe Kim's experience as a missionary in Israel for 15 years was a time to learn a lot through fellowship with local people, believers of various languages, and cultural backgrounds from all over the world. Each time was an opportunity for her to find something that God wanted her to know and taste. She could broaden her connections with other spiritual leaders and find better ways to make those services, missions, and events more effective, fruitful, and excellent. Rev. Dr. Kim believes that she can use those experiences in the ministry wherever God sends her.

Since returning to Korea, she has lectured on the Hebrew Bible (OT), the Dead Sea Scrolls, Biblical Hebrew, and Hebrew Thought, which are the roots of the Christian faith to seminarians and college students. She has been invited by many churches of different denominations and institutes to preach and teach Bible studies in Korea and abroad as well.

Here is a word from Rev. Dr. ShinAe Kim:

"A young Rev. Henry Gerhard Appenzeller had arrived in Korea on Easter Sunday morning in 1885 as a missionary. At that time, Korea was going through turbulent times both domestically and internationally. Ministers could not set up a church nor preach in public. Evangelism had to be secret. Rev. Appenzeller's goal was to transform Pagan Korea into a Christian Korea. The seeds of the gospel he sowed, prayers of tears, and dedication built the foundation of churches in Korea. With a heart indebted to the gospel, I am grateful to join God in His project in the Salem United Methodist Church."

She enjoys cooking and inviting people to share.


Emily Jones

Administrative Assistant

Emily is new here as the Administrative Assistant / Secretary at Salem since Oct. 2023. She is a local resident of Orwigsburg, and a college student who commutes to Penn State Berks. When she isn't working in the office, her hobbies include writing, reading, and spending time with friends and family, including her dog, Sheldon. "I really enjoy creative writing, and I am eager to extend my creative abilities into making fun and beautiful presentations for the congregation at Salem to enjoy. As a college student, I am excited to work in an office environment that will prepare me for my future career. I am thrilled to be a part of this community and am grateful for the warm welcome!" 

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Kevin O’Brassill

Contemporary Music Worship Leader

Kevin O’Brassill has been at Salem since around 2015. Kevin himself plays casually as well as leads our Praise Band during morning worship services.  Kevin is well versed in  Contemporary Christian Music. 
He has played as a rhythm guitarist and/or filled in as worship leader at different churches and organizations in Lancaster County, PA area and will continue too as time allows. In addition, Kevin is part of a Christian Rock Band named “Forgiven”.  "My main goal in worship is for each individual to connect to the Father for themselves, and for their relationship to mature with Christ accordingly." 

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Wendy Campbell

Traditional Music Worship Leader

Wendy Campbell has been with Salem UMC for 40(+) years. Wendy oversees our traditional hymns as well as lead the Senior Choir. She has been the church organist at Salem for 40(+) years. Wendy taught at Tri-Valley elementary school for 38 years and is now enjoying retirement. "I love spending time with my family and friends especially my three grandsons. I enjoy worshipping with my church friends and family!"

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Lynn Nickels

Nursery Attendant

Lynn Nickels is one of our two Nursery Attendants. Lynn works alongside her daughter, Angie Brish as Salem’s Nursery Attendant to help supervise infants / toddlers in the nursery. Lynn joined the Salem Staff Team in September 2020. Lynn has been an upstanding member here at Salem UMC for many years. In years past Lynn helped previous Pastors as a Confirmation Camp Counselor. Lynn is also involved in many other activities here at church year-round. "We believe every child can experience the wonderful love of God through the nursery ministry."

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Angela Brish

Nursery Attendant

Angela Brish is one of our two Nursery Attendants. Angie works alongside her mother, Lynn Nickels as Salem’s Nursery Attendant to help supervise infants / toddlers in the nursery. Angela Brish has worked in the nursery at Salem United Methodist Church for over 3 years. Angie has many years of experience caring for others and children. "My hobbies include spending time with my children.  I enjoy watching them play sports and learning how to play musical instruments. In my spare time I like to craft it and bake specialty cakes for my kids birthday's and different events."

How Can We Help You?

The Salem UM Church staff are servant leaders of the church. Our staff team is organized around worship and ministry areas, daily office duties, and leading. Not only do we have amazing staff but we have wonderful volunteers who help out on a frequent basis.  All of our staff members and our volunteers have their required background clearances and safe sanctuary training. At Salem our staff and volunteers are happy to help you! Our staff diligently serves the needs of the church and those in the congregation. Please feel free to contact staff members using their email addresses. If you have a question and don't know exactly who to contact, use our general contact form below and we'll get your email to the right person. Let us know how we can help serve you and your family.

Regular Office Hours

Holidays and Inclement Weather may affect these hours.

MON - 12 NOON to 4 PM
TUES - 9 AM to 1 PM
WED - 12 NOON to 4 PM
FRI - 12 NOON to 4 PM

Salem United Methodist Church

Transforming Lives Through Christ (TLC) Sharing, Serving, Worshiping, Nurturing
133 South Liberty Street • Orwigsburg, PA 17961
Phone 570.366.0201
Email: •
Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 12noon-4pm; Tues 9am-1pm; Thurs Closed


Servants / Ministers – People of God
Bishop John Schol EPAC
District Superintendent – Rev. Hun Ju Lee (North District) 
Senior Pastor – Rev. Dr. ShinAe Kim 

Christ Servant Ministers:
Brenda Binns / Denny Booher / 
Kathi Street / Tom Boussum (Emeritus)            

Sharon Burkhardt – Treasurer


Emily Jones – Administrative Assistant
Wendy Campbell – Organist/Choir Director
Kevin O’Brassill – Contemporary Worship Leader
Nursery Attendants:
Angie Brish / Lynn Nickels

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