Join a Small Group
We have many small groups within church and the community.
All of our current small groups are listed below. We have a place for you!
Please note that these dates and times are subject to change due to inclement weather or special services. This page is currently under construction, so some of these program times may be out of date. We appreciate your patience while all information is brought up to date. Thank you!
Weekly Bible Study
2:00 PM - Wednesdays
Pastor ShinAe is leading a Bible Study on the Book of Genesis on Wednesdays at 2:00 PM. No books are required - just bring your Bible, pen, and paper!
Women's Weekly Bible Study
10:00 AM - Thursdays
Thursday Women’s Small Group is a bible and book study held on a weekly basis in the Salem Fellowship Social Hall. We meet every Thursday Morning at 10:00 AM. Typically, Thursday Women’s Small Group will have a new book study monthly or quarterly depending on the material. Please contact the church office if you are interested in joining and want a book ordered.
Praise Band
7:00 PM - Wednesdays
Do you have a musical talent? Why not join the Praise Band! The Praise Band meets Thursdays at Salem at 7:00 PM to practice in the church sanctuary. Have a musical gift you would like to share with the church? Rock out and play with the band! Contact Praise Band Leader, Kevin O’Brassill for any questions or more info about joining the worship team. Contact Kevin by emailing at:
Handbell Choir
7:00 PM - Wednesdays
Get ready to ring! Our hand bell choir: "The God Squad" has a place for YOU! We have practices on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm at Salem. The God Squad performs during services on multiple occasions and for special Holiday Events. If you have an interest in playing handbells, please contact Allison Dugan (Handbell Director) at 570-391-8948 for more info.
Children's Church
10:15 AM - Monthly
2nd & 4th Sundays
Grow in Faith, Friendship and FUN! Children’s Church is held every 2nd & 4th Sunday! After the children's message, kids are invited downstairs for special Bible lessons and activities. Coloring pages are available in the back of the sanctuary.
(UMW) United Methodist Women
7:00 pm - Monthly
2nd Mondays
The UMW sponsors many fundraisers and local events. We are a fellowship based on caring and serving others. For more information about joining please contact UMW President, Sharon Booher The United Methodist Women meet monthly on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 PM in the fellowship social hall.
(UMM) United Methodist Men
7:00 AM - Quarterly
The UMM meets quarterly on the second Sunday of that month. UMM typically meet three times a year to discuss our current activities: Heritage Day Breakfast (8-11), working at our Annual Block Party, Hot Chocolate at Halloween Parade, and assisting the United Methodist Women with Soup Sales. Our fundraising activities support our children attending Church Summer Camp.
4:00 PM - Monthly
3rd Fridays
Make memories and make friends at the Scrapbooking Small Group! Scrapbooking meets every third Friday of the month from 4:00 pm—10:00 pm. Meet creative friendly fellowship at this small group! All ages are welcome to join. No experience required!
(Mission) Team Orwigsburg
Team Orwigsburg is a local mission team that works within the community to expand our outreach program. The Team also has an annual Mission Trip to serve outside our town and to lend a hand to those in need. Meetings are held the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. (Locations for meetings may vary). Team Serves Dinner for Applewood Senior Citizens every 3rd Thursday of each month. We are always looking for more volunteers! Contact the Church Office for more information.
Food Pantry Volunteers
Salem volunteers at the local Food Pantry on a regular basis. We are always in need of extra hands to help pack boxes of hygiene & food items and distribute them to families in need. Donations of non-perishable items should be taken directly to the food pantry in town. (Please do not drop off food pantry donations to the Church unless we are specifically collecting items for an event). Orwigsburg Area Food Pantry provides food to those in need in the Southern Schuylkill Area, Blue Mountain School District. Food Pantry is opened the 3rd Sat of every month.
Volunteer Team
Part of being a great volunteer is loving what you’re doing. Find something that you’re passionate about or something that inspires you, and then find a need in your community. There are dozens of reasons why you should volunteer – you just need to find the one that feels right. Not sure where to start, let us help! Contact us at the office We have many opportunities for you to get involved and lend a hand!
We can’t have worship without YOU!
We are always in need of worship participants to help and assist during service. You do not need previous experience to help. Make your year meaningful by volunteering your time in serving during worship. We need your help to make worship a success!